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Harold Farley - Titusville, Pennsylvania

Posted by Paul Crawley on

Harold Farley Golf Net in Garage

Harold Farley Golf Net in Garage

Paul, I like it so much I don't know where to start so here goes…

I purchased The Net Return because I live in the Pennsylvania countryside and practice requires a drive of 30+ miles or so. I first saw the Net Return in Naples, Florida at a friends house. He gave me your contact info and I went to the web site. Everything I read was exactly what I experienced when the net and mat arrived (which was 3 days after purchase).

I set it up the next morning this was pretty easy. I have been practicing daily. So far in just a short time I have improved my aim and direction. I am hitting the ball solid and getting some improvement in my distance. I like the fact that it is convenient and I have added a mirror to help with my alignment.

Overall everything your web site has promised has happened – I couldn't be happier.

Thank You,
Harold Farley
Titusville, PA

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